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Drinking Soda With Your Meals? You Need To Stop, It Could Lead To Stroke And Heart Failure [Video]

What Did The Study Decipher?


Researchers analysed data from over 70,000 adults in Sweden who were tracked for more than two decades. Participants answered dietary questionnaires in 1997 and 2009, detailing their added sugar consumption through three main sources: sugary beverages (like sodas), toppings (honey, jams), and sweet treats. It was found that soda drinkers were at the highest risk of cardiovascular complications.

Key Highlights From The Study

  1. Those consuming sugar-sweetened drinks regularly had a heightened risk of ischaemic stroke, which occurs when blood flow to the brain is obstructed.
  2. Sodas were also linked to a greater likelihood of developing heart failure and irregular heart rhythms (atrial fibrillation).
  3. High intake of toppings like jams and honey was associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms, while sugary treats like pastries showed a lesser association with cardiovascular risks.

Why Do Sugary Drinks Cause Such Harm?

According to the study, the damaging effects of sugary sodas on the heart and brain can …

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