Remote Working Psychology

Working moms admit having kids ‘held them back’ in their careers [Video]

The report found that the majority of working moms, regardless of their income, feel like having kids has held them back in their career.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A new report from the University of Phoenix found that working moms, regardless of their income, feel like having children has held them back in their career. 

The biggest takeaway from the report was that mothers feel like they’re unable to strike a healthy work-life balance, feeling like they have to chose between a successful career or family life. Making that even worse is the fact that 59% of women feeling that way are considered low-income. A little more than half, 56%, are considered middle income. 

As for who those working moms are looking up to, the results were even more disheartening. More than half of low-income working mothers said they don’t have many role models for their career. That’s much lower than 38% of middle- and high-income mothers who said they have a …

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