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Video Interview Guide: Tips for a Successful Interview [Video]

Resumes and Job Seeking

Video job interviews have always been a common part of the hiring process and in light of recent events we are seeing a rising number in video interviews between our clients and candidates. These positive measures are a great reminder to us all that we can continue to work together in a safe and progressive way.

So if you have a video interview coming up, let’s look at all the things you can do to help you ace that interview.

So what are the basic requirements?

Location, location, location

Find a quiet and private space where you won’t be interrupted. If you have to conduct the interview in a shared space, ask not to be disturbed for the duration.

Make sure the room is well lit and the light is facing you, not behind you. Avoid areas that may be subject to loud external noises and keep pets in another room while the interview is happening.

Check your Connections

First and foremost …

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