Work from Home Lifestyle

The 10 Best Desk Exercises, According to Personal Trainers [Video]

If you work at a desk, you may find it difficult to stay active throughout the day. After all, a sedentary job can often mean sitting for upwards of eight hours at a time. If you’ve been looking for a way to break up long periods of stagnancy, desk exercises are the way to go. These expert-recommended short bursts of activity are simple enough to do seated or standing right at your workspace—and require no equipment beyond body weight and sometimes a chair or desk.

Whether you work from home or in the office, desk exercises can become a part of your daily routine. “Desk exercises utilize a series of workplace furniture or settings whereby a person transforms these pieces into exercise equipment using simple movement patterns and flexibility techniquesdesigned to counter excessive sitting, slouching, and other posture and pain-inducing work habits and behaviors,” says Len Glassman, CPT, CHN, JD, a …

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