Work from Home Lifestyle

Spouse Who Made Husband Leave Work Right Before Meeting To Bring Home Keys Backed [Video]

A pregnant woman who lost her temper after noticing that her husband has once again left her without any keys has been backed online for making him leave work and come home “immediately.”

The original poster (OP), Popular-Ad4691, shared on Reddit this week that her husband has a habit of forgetting, or ignoring, things she says. What made her “so angry” in this case is that he evidently continued a trend that she has urged him to break, “A million times.”

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The OP works from home so is always there to unlock the front door when her husband gets back from his workplace, she wrote in her post on Jan. 28.

Despite that, however, he has on multiple occasions left for the day with the house keys that are attached to the car keys, making it so his spouse can, “Neither leave the house nor drive anywhere,” to her growing annoyance.

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