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Job Interview Etiquette (Part 3): How to Follow Up [Video]

Resumes and Job Seeking

I’d like to wrap up my series on proper job interview etiquette by dealing with this question: “What happens after you leave?”

Do you get home, crash on the couch, and stare at your phone waiting for a call? Is that the proper thing to do? No way!

The Proper Way to Follow Up After a Job Interview

Just waiting around shows no intensity, no vibrancy, no passion for the job. You have to treat a job interview like a date – if you really liked the person, sometimes you have to make the first move.  It all comes down to who wants it more – you or the other 10 people who also interviewed. So with that, here are my 3 easy tips on how to properly handle following up after a job interview:

Tip #1 – The Thank You Note

My first year out of college, I worked for the worst person I’ve ever met. …

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