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I was knee deep in debt with no money after paying bills – how I cut 600 a month on my food bill & the hacks I swear by [Video]

Side Hustle

A WOMAN has revealed how she was knee deep in debt and struggling to make ends meet, but has since managed to turn her life around.

Savvy mum Gemma explained that just half an hour after being paid, when her direct debits had gone out, she would be left with no money. 

A woman has shared how she managed to turn her life around, after being knee deep in debtCredit: TikTok/@savewithgem
Gemma revealed that not only has she now cut £600 a month off of her groceries, but she also makes thousands of pounds a month thanks to side hustles tooCredit: TikTok/@savewithgem

As a result, Gemma knew that something needed to change – and put a variety of measures in place that would help her to cut costs.

Not only did she and her partner manage to save £600 on their monthly food shop, but she also now earns thousands of pounds, …

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