Work from Home Lifestyle

Biggest red flag for any job offer, according to federal officials [Video]

Let’s say you’re in the market for a new job. You see a great listing on social media and you meet all the qualifications and – best of all – it would allow you to work from home. You apply and all of a sudden, you’re hit with the news that before you can accept the job, you have to pay for training supplies or kits to get started.

Stop. That’s the biggest red flag that the job you’re being offered isn’t legitimate.

The Federal Trade Commission points out that no honest employer, including the federal government, will ask you to pay to get a job and that anyone who does is a scammer. Honest employers will never send you a check and then tell you to send them part of the money, something known as a fake check scam.

Most of these offers involve work from home schemes that promise applicants they can make thousands of dollars working from home with little …

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