Work from Home Lunch

Ankeny School District launches food pantry program for families [Video]

The district now has two fully-stocked pantries and plans to open another soon.

ANKENY, Iowa — With nearly a quarter of Ankeny Community School District’s students qualifying for free or reduced lunch, school social worker Leah Clark knew something could be done to help.

“I went to the principal, and I said, ‘Hey, I would really like to have a food pantry.’ And she said, ‘If you can find the space, then I will let you have a food pantry,'” said Clark, who works at Northview Middle School. 

With a little creativity and an endless supply of passion, Clark found the space in the counselor’s suite of offices, transforming a room into a full-stocked pantry.

The Northview food pantry is one of two now open in the district, with all food supplied by the Food Bank of Iowa. A grant from the organization also provided both pantries with a fridge and freezer to store perishables. 

Personal hygiene and cleaning supplies are also provided at no …

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