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WHAT THE TECH? When you should & shouldn’t use public WiFi | Local News [Video]

Since the pandemic turned many jobs into remote work, some people spend more time on free public WiFi than they do on their own home network. We hardly even think twice about hopping on the WiFi from a restaurant, gym, library, hotel, or coffee shops.

Public WiFi has become a staple in our daily lives, offering the convenience of staying connected no matter where we are. The good news is that it’s safer than it used to be, thanks to general website encryption and improved security features on our devices. However, it’s important to remember that public WiFi networks can still be a honeypot for hackers who are adept at breaching security measures.

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when connecting to public WiFi:

  • Verify the Network:Always ensure you’re connecting to a legitimate network, especially in places like airports. Don’t be fooled by networks with generic names like “free …
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Remote Working Places

Overnight at the Office? Coworking Spaces Spawn New Hotels Around the Globe [Video]

If you thought remote work was popular during the pandemic, you haven't seen anything yet. Despite early reports to the contrary, a recent survey from Zoom and Reworked finds 64% of global companies currently utilize a hybrid work model, which includes coworking spaces. Coworking isn't just reshaping the work world; it's also making ripples in