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Veteran Ronald Russell wins GOP primary Maine’s 1st District [Video]

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Military veteran Ronald Russell will face Democratic Rep. Chellie Pingree for Southern Maine’s Congressional District 1 seat this November.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’t see the above results? Click here for a breakdown of the vote.Russell, a political newcomer, won Tuesday’s GOP primary for Southern Maine’s Congressional District 1, defeating Andrew Piantidosi. The race was called by the Associated Press at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday.Russell grew up on his family’s potato farm in Northern Maine.”It was hard work, but rewarding work,” he said. “I think you see the fruits of your labor on a farm.”Russell returned to Maine recently to run for office.”I thought running for office was the way to have an impact,” he said. “I knew I was always coming back to Maine.”Russell attended West Point before serving in the Army as an Airborne Ranger and Special Forces Green Beret. He believes his time in the military will aid him in his service as …

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