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The unspoken etiquette and rules of working remotely in a cafe [Video]

Digital Nomads

One of the joys of WFH is sometimes it can be WFC – Work From Café

In today’s digital nomad era, coffee shops have become makeshift offices for many people. They offer a cosy vibe, endless caffeine, and sometimes, the gentle hum of background noise is just right for productivity.

But how long is too long when turning your local café into your personal office?

This question recently became headline news in New Zealand when a journalist was asked to leave a café after working there for just an hour.

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How long is too long to work remotely from a cafe? (Getty)

While there are no official rules for how long you can work from a café, the consensus among both patrons and café workers seems to hinge on common sense and courtesy. 

But it seems not everyone is polite, and some act with a sense of entitlement.

Michael, who works at Chutney Café

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