Resumes and Job Seeking

The biggest job interview mistakes, according to LinkedIn [Video]

Hiring managers have seen some interesting behaviors in the job interview process. Lindsay Mustain, a former Amazon recruiter, once got a resume where the third page was a picture of the candidate holding a shotgun. Ex-Nvidia recruiter and current HR consultant Stefanie Fackrell once had someone tell her they weren’t that interested in the job she was interviewing them for.

“It’s not my first choice,” says Fackrell of what the candidate told her. “I’m waiting for a potential offer from this other place.”

While these might be a bit extreme, there are more run-of-the-mill job interview mistakes hiring managers see more often. LinkedIn recently surveyed 1,024 hiring managers to ask what makes them want to hire someone and what turns them off.

Here are 10 of the biggest interview blunders job candidates can make, including how many hiring managers flagged them.

  • Showing up late to an interview (53%)
  • Using foul language or cursing (52%)
  • Appearing disinterested or disengaged (51%)
  • Looking at your phone …

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