Career Advice

Stevie Nicks says that going through with her pregnancy in 1979 would have ‘destroyed’ Fleetwood Mac [Video]

With the presidential election less than two weeks away, Stevie Nicks, 76, is speaking out about abortion rights.

In an interview with CBS News Sunday Morning, Nicks said that at the beginning of her career, in 1979, she had an unplanned pregnancy despite having an IUD and being “totally protected.”

“I’m like, ‘This can’t be happening.’ Fleetwood Mac is three years in. And it’s big. And we’re going into our third album. It was like, ‘Oh no, no, no, no, no, no,'” she said, adding, “It would have destroyed Fleetwood Mac.”

“It would’ve been a nightmare scenario for me to live through,” she said.

Nicks also addressed her abortion in an interview with Rolling Stone, published on Thursday.

“I am not the kind of woman who would hand my baby over to a nanny, not in a million years. So we would be dragging a baby around the world on tour, and I wouldn’t do that …

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Employees Are Avoiding the Office Because of Their Bosses: Survey [Video]

Flexible workspace brand Beyond shared a new survey of 1,262 employees in the UK and the reasons they're avoiding the office including their bosses.