Remote Working Places

San Francisco’s Marina neighborhood fills a void the bars can’t [Video]

At 6:50 a.m. on Thursday along San Francisco‘s Marina Green, the thick fog is slowly giving way to a rising sun, the sound of cars zipping by not yet filling the air; instead, pounding running shoes and deep, gasping breaths is all you hear.

Runners in the area are flocking to a Philz Coffee truck parked along Marina Green, but not to get a dose of early morning caffeine. 

The group of roughly 150 people is gathering for the Marina Run Club. 

On Thursday, when KTVU joined the growing club, they were set to run three miles, making their way past Fort Mason and then Aquatic Park before turning around at In N Out and ending back where they started, where many did finally get a morning coffee. 

The club was founded by Sarah Tobin two years ago. 

Tobin, an avid runner and like many in San Francisco, works from home and was craving a real, in-person …

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