Career Advice

Omaha expert offers advice to those looking to make career changes in 2025 [Video]

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – After 13 years of working as a legal assistant, LeeAnn Merrett decided to make a change.

“My kids- they’re always my driving force. I always let things stop me in the past because I was too scared to do them, so I was like why not? What do I have to lose? I can give it a shot and see how it goes.”

Now, after a year as an insurance broker, she says it’s been well worth the pivot.

So many like LeeAnn want to make that career jump in January.

“In the labor market data, we also see it’s a super good time to think about making a career change. Job openings tend to go up dramatically in January compared to December, just the month before, and we see applications from people also going up as well,” says Director of Career Development at UNO, Levi …

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