Work from Home Lunch

Is There Really Such a Thing as Injectable Breast Implants? [Video]

For some of us, cosmetic injections are a way of life: a little Botox touch-up here, some hyaluronic acid filler there, brows are lifted, lines are erased. It’s never been easier or more convenient to tweak your appearance—and now the enhancement-by-syringe approach is moving to breasts.

Mia Femtech—the so-called “injectable breast implant”—is already in use overseas, including in Japan, Sweden, Dubai, Switzerland, and Spain. It’s basically supposed to offer a breast augmentation lite: The idea is that you can go up one to two cup sizes with a quick 15- to 90-minute procedure. There’s supposed to be minimal scarring (in the armpits), no recovery time to speak of, and no need for general anesthesia (just local anesthetic, or “numbing shots”). This is a huge departure from typical breast augmentation procedures, which usually entail general anesthesia, scars under the curve of the breast, and bruising for about three to four weeks.

We had to know more: …

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