Resumes and Job Seeking

Interviewer Stunned by Man’s ‘Absurd’ Salary Demand During Job Interview: “Delusion” [Video]

A hiring manager at a Michigan-based company was left in disbelief after an applicant demanded a salary of $12,000 per month, citing his past earnings and self-perceived qualifications as justification.

According to the original poster (OP) on Reddit, who was conducting interviews in his boss’s absence, the 28-year-old candidate had a background in electrical engineering and had previously worked at a tourist attraction.

‘Deserved’ salary

Despite lacking a master’s degree and having limited professional experience outside of his previous role, the applicant insisted that he “deserved” the same salary he once earned.

“He said something like, ‘I was the chief technician since I was 19 before I even completed my studies… in my previous job and towards my end there I earned $12,000 per month’,’ the interviewer, aka user Rebelliousdefender, recalled.

Stock image of a stressed man in front of laptop. A hiring manager at a Michigan-based company was left in disbelief after …

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