Career Advice

How Publishers Can Overcome the Content Marketing Paradox [Video]

What’s the difference between content created and published by a brand and content published by a dedicated media organization?

Increasingly, the answer is “there isn’t one” – at least, not from the audience’s point of view.

This is great news for any brand looking to gain recognition as a trusted information source through its content marketing efforts.

But for media companies, this flattening of the content landscape has ushered in uncertainty around trust in their trade and their ability to monetize their content. Of course, publishers have opportunities to leverage their legacy of high-quality content and audience relationships as long as they adapt to shifting digital trends.

Recently, I spoke with Starmats Communications’ Christoph Trappe and Madison Michigan & Market’s Jeff Herrmann (who are speaking in the Publishers Forum at Content Marketing World in September) to get their perspective on what publishers and content marketers can learn from each other.

Big changes in the publishing game

Many brands …

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