Work from Home Lunch

Fury at Employee’s ‘Insane’ Daily Routine in Shared Space: ‘Food Shaming’ [Video]

An office worker has been accused of “food shaming” after asking a coworker to bring something else in for lunch instead of “insane”-smelling fish every day.

The 30-year-old office worker described on Reddit this week how “Jason”, estimated to be in his late 20s and one of 10 colleagues in their small office, regularly brought fish-based meals such as mackerel, sardines and salmon.

The lingering smell, according to the original poster (OP) azuuredamsel, was overwhelming and made the breakroom unpleasant for others.

‘Tough for everyone’

While multiple coworkers had privately complained, no one had directly addressed Jason about the issue—until the OP decided to speak up.

“I pulled him aside and as politely as I could, I said something like, ‘Hey, I noticed you bring fish for lunch a lot. It’s kind of strong-smelling, and it’s tough for everyone to deal with in such a small space.

“‘Do you think you could bring something else …

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