Side Hustle

Can you make money wrapping your car with ads? [Video]

As we inch closer to the holidays, you might be thinking of picking up a side gig for a little extra cash.

But we have a warning about side hustles that require little to no work, especially if involves driving around with a company logo on your car and getting paid.

Darlene Henderson is looking to earn some extra money this upcoming holiday season.

So when an energy drink company emailed an offer to get paid, she was ready to jump.

“The way I understand it, they would wrap my doors,” she said. “And then I would run around with that decal on for 12 weeks … You see a lot of cars run around with advertisements on them. And I don’t know a whole lot, so I thought maybe it’s legit.”

Within days, a big packet showed up in her mail.

“This is what I received. It says United …

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