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Branded Content Examples [Video]

Career Advice

Branded content is among the most misunderstood of all content tactics.

While it’s a distinct approach, it’s easy to confuse it with other paid campaign tactics like native advertising, influencer marketing, or social media ads.

Its non-salesy approach, marked by deeply immersive, entertaining, and educational stories, makes it one of the best vehicles to bridge the gap between awareness and ongoing affinity.

And though it’s often used for brand-building goals like brand awareness, audience engagement, or demand generation, some of the most successful examples make little or no direct mention of the brand or its products and services.

Branded content may not mean what you think it means. But once you understand what it’s all about, you’ll see its significant marketing advantages.

What is branded content?

To understand what branded content entails, let’s start with a summary of the definition offered by the internet’s default dictionary, Wikipedia:

“Branded content is the practice of marketing via …

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