Resumes and Job Seeking

Best Life: Considering company culture [Video]

Orlando, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) ― There’s much to consider during a job interview. Is the job itself good? Is the pay in the right range? What about the benefits? But experts say people often miss one of the most important questions: Will I be happy working here?

Visiting the workplace of a potential future employer opens a golden opportunity: to see — in person — what it would be like to work there.

Company culture is how people behave and how things operate. If values and preferences don’t align, it could impact happiness at work.

According to Indeed, the best thing to do is ask some questions.

During the interview, ask the hiring manager about career growth opportunities, work-life balance, how feedback is given, and how successes and failures are addressed.

If given the chance, also talk to current employees of the company. What do they like? What struggles do …

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