Career Advice

How TheSarasota BalletsMargaret Barbieri ConservatoryIsTraining Company-Ready Artists [Video]

Considering its alumni success stories, its prominence on the competitive ballet landscape, and the rising profile of its affiliated professional company, The Sarasota Ballet School has clearly emerged as a training destination. Helmed by Sarasota Ballet’s education director Christopher Hird since 2016, The Sarasota Ballet’s Margaret Barbieri Conservatory is committed to cultivating company-ready artists.

At Youth America Grand Prix’s recent Tampa semifinals, Sarasota Ballet trainee Reaganne Beamer won the Grand Prix. The Sarasota Ballet’s Margaret Barbieri Conservatory won an Outstanding School Award—no surprise, when its students medaled in every category for the Senior and Junior divisions (women’s and men’s classical and contemporary) and appeared throughout the various Top 6 and Top 12 student placements. What’s more, both the Conservatory and company are making a name internationally. In June 2024, the company’s well-received tour to London drew more eyes to Florida’s west coast. Looking forward on the global competition circuit, 16-year-old Macie Miersch is one of 85 dancers who’ve been chosen …

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