
Five Productivity Hacks Using Google’s New AI Podcast Creator [Video]

The new Audio Overview feature in Google‘s AI tool, NotebookLM, allows you to create realistic podcast-like conversations from webpages, slides, PDFs, uploaded text, and more.

Google describes this feature as providing “lively ‘deep dive’ discussions that summarize the key topics in your sources.” Using Google’s own proprietary LLM (large language model), Gemini 1.5 Pro, the resulting “podcast” is a conversation between two AI-generated hosts who introduce and talk through the source material you feed in.

It can be anything from a few minutes long to around the 20-minute mark and the length seems randomly generated; it’s not possible to choose how long you want the conversation to come in at. However, the audio is generated as a WAV file and can be downloaded and edited by the user.

This conversation between two hosts takes a few minutes to generate and is in addition to a text summary and prompts to help create a FAQ, study guide, …

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How To Improve Your Posture? Try These 4 Simple Yet Effective Tricks [Video]

Tips To Improve Your Posture: It is important to correct your posture to enhance your physical health. Improving ergonomics and working on your posture techniques can help in better health and productivity. Here are 4 simple tricks that can help in improving posture and enhance your health.


How to Be More Productive [Video]

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled How to feel more in control of your time | Productivity tips and hacks and the themes of productivity and language learning productivity. Students learn vocabulary related to productivity, talk about productivity and language learning productivity, discuss previewing questions, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, develop critical thinking skills by exploring real-world issues, write about what they have learned from viewing a short video, read an article about language learning productivity, answer comprehension questions, and reflect on the lesson.