Work from Home Lunch

8-Year-Old Boy Honored For Saving Friends Life At School * * by Kaley [Video]

An 8-year-old boy from Mesa, AZ is being honored for his heroic actions in saving a fellow classmate who choked during school lunch.

On November 14, third-grader Isaiah Rodriguez started choking on a grape during lunch at Porter Elementary School.

Before any teachers could do anything, his classmate Thomas Conley jumped to action and performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving his life.

Conley was honored by the local fire department.

What a courageous and kind boy.

The heroic act was caught on cafeteria surveillance:

HEROIC MOVE: 8-year-old Thomas Conley is being hailed as a hero after jumping into action during lunch to save his choking friend by performing the Heimlich maneuver. Thomas, who had never done the maneuver before, acted quickly to save his friend’s life. | @GriffJenkins

— Fox News (@FoxNews) December 26, 2024

Video shows a second grade student saving his classmate who began choking during lunch last month at their school in Mesa, Arizona. The child, Thomas Conley, noticed the other student struggling and quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver …

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