Side Hustle

41% of Employees Working Side Gigs on the Clock, Raising Red Flags for Employers [Video]

What do you get when you cross sky-high living costs with stagnant wages? Double-dipping workers, according to a recent Express Employment Professionals-Harris Poll. With nearly 90% of U.S. job seekers working side hustles, the lines between day jobs and passion projects are blurring fast.

Surprisingly, 41% of these multitaskers admit to clocking into two jobs at once, whether part-time or full-time. Despite concerns over focus and productivity, half of companies have no rules against it, raising questions about work boundaries and the future of hustle culture.

Without guidelines, the boundary between personal and company time shrinks, and employers raise questions about balancing flexibility with productivity. Meanwhile, the chance to diversify income and skills is attractive for employees, fueling a shift toward a workforce that values autonomy as much as stability.

“While it’s clear side hustles reflect ambition, drive and sometimes, necessity, they often come at the expense of focus during company hours,” said Bill Stoller, Express Employment International CEO. “The data shows that many organizations haven’t yet …

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Side Hustle

4 Tips for Launching a Side Hustle at Any Age [Video]

When it comes to launching a side hustle after years of experience in the working world, Kathy Kristof, founder of the website, says you have a choice: Either start your own business or join an existing side-hustle platform that matches people with opportunities. The former can be riskier but gratifying, while the latter allows